Lots of live music coming up this weekend!
While this is by no means a complete listing of everything going on, perhaps you;ll find something here to go out and hear.
Get out there and support live music in our great city!
Thursday 1/28
Kris Lager Band @Knuckleheads
with Kerry Pastine and the Crime Scene
7:00 pm
Atzlan @Blue Room
Brett Jackson Quartet @Green Lady Lounge
Mark Lowrey @The Majestic
Matt Hopper Trio @Green Lady Lounge (early show)
Stan Kessler and Roger Wilder @Chaz
Friday 1/29
Jeff Bergen’s Elvis Show @Knuckleheads
8:00 pm
Atlantic Express @Knuckleheads
8:30 pm
Boogaloo 7 in the Orion Room @the Green Lady Lounge
Lonnie McFadden @The Phoenix (matinee)
Roger Wilder Quintet @theBlue Room
Tim Whitmer @the Green Lady Lounge (matinee)
Saturday 1/30
Nick Harless Band @Knuckleheads
featuring Samantha Johnson
Open Jam @Knuckleheads
Hosted by Billy Ebeling & Duane Goldston
1pm to 5:30pm
The Belairs @Knuckleheads
8:30 pm
The Schwag @Knuckleheads
9:30 pm
Alex Abramovitz @The Phoenix (brunch)
Candace Evans @theCafe Trio
Doug Talley Quintet @theBlue Room
Hermon Mehari @theArt Factory
OJT @theGreen Lady Lounge
Tim Whitmer- The Phoenix (matinee)
Sunday 1/31
Open Jam @Knuckleheads
Hosted by Levee Town
1:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Country open Jam @Knuckleheads
Hosted by Billy Ebeling & Twang Daddies, Bret Hodges & Neal Hudson in the Gospel Lounge
6:00 pm
The Band That Fell To Earth @Knuckleheads
-A Tribute to David Bowie
8:00 pm
627 Big Band @theGreen Lady Lounge