Lots of things going on music wise in Kansas City this weekend. Here are a few:
Thursday February 5
The Grand Marquis at Jazz Louisiana Kitchen, 7 -10 pm
Spaghetti Western Thursday at the Westport Saloon, 6-8 pm with music following
The Long Time Goners at the Westport Saloon, 10 pm
4 Fried Chickens and a Coke at Knuckleheads (7:30pm)
Sky Smeed, Sara Morgan & John Goolsby at Knuckleheads (8pm)
Friday February 6
The Garage Kings Dinner Show at the Westport Saloon, 6;30 pm
Jim Lauderdale with special guest Lyal Strickland in the Listening Room Lounge AT kNUCKLEHEADS. 8PM.
Pokey LaFarge in Springfield, MO at the Outland Ballroom
Saturday February 7
The Big Iron at the Record Bar with Kangaroo Knife Fight, Appripriate Grammar and Reid the Martian, benefit for Midcoast Takeover going to Austin trip $10, 18+, doors @ 9:30 pm
Open Jam at Knuckleheads Hosted by Billy Ebeling and Duane (1:30pm)
Special Forces A .38 Special Tribute at Knuckleheads with special guest Brother Bagman (9:00pm)
County Graves, Keil Grove & Leon Hardt at the Westport Saloon, 10 pm
Pokey LaFarge at the Manhattan Arts Center, Manhattan KS
Sunday February 8
Die Cast & Model Car Swap & Sale for Hot Rod to Holy Cow, 11 a – 4 pm @ Holy Cow Market & Music, music at 3 pm from Gregg Todt & Troy Van Horn, Holy Cow the Band
Dusty Rust at the Dubliner KC: “Here’s to the Roots” musician appreciation showcase, 4p – 8p. open mic 5p-7p & free musician appreciation meal in between sets; parking nearby at 13th near Grand, $2 cash
Open Jam at Knuckleheads Hosted by Levee Town (1:00pm)
Acoustic Showcase at knuckleheads hosted by Amanda Fish (2:00pm)
Pokey LaFarge at the Gary Dickinson Performing Arts Center in Chillicothe, MO